Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Malaysia, Day I: A Long Bus Ride

Here is my photo album from the first day (click on the word "here"). I think the photos explain themselves. We were basically just in the bus all day. We stopped for lunch and then again for dinner, and at some random rest stops and fruit stalls on the way, but that's about all we did.

*Make sure to click on each picture so you can read the captions that explain what it is*

One thing which we did do, but which I didn't take pictures of, was go to a turtle sanctuary. I don't even want to talk about this - after a whole day of driving, which exhausted all of us, they made us leave the hotel at 10pm after checking in and dropping our stuff off! I wanted to sleep! So I hated the whole experience and thought it was absolutely stupid and pointless. Of course, everyone else loved it.

Anyway, that's about it for my commentary. Check out the pictures!

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