Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Miscellaneous Observations, Part I

Here are a few random facts, tidbits, and other miscellaneous pictures!

Men's and women's bathrooms are usually on separate floors of a building, and bathrooms (as well as water fountains) are far less prevalent than in the U.S.

They drive on the left side of the road. The speed bump is called a "zebra crossing."

They speak something closer to British English than American English, so their signs look kinda funny sometimes. This is an exit sign at a metro station.

The food is yummy. Here is one of the best dishes I've had: Honey Chicken Rice with cabbage. Yum! And there's the usual Bubble Tea that I get almost every day. This was $3 + $1.50 for the Bubble Tea, and that's before conversion to US dollars!

Almost everything is very clean, even most bathrooms. It is a strange thing to notice, but all of the hand soap in dispensers seems the same, and smells deliciously fruity/tropical!

They have beautiful and unique lamp posts in certain sections of town.

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