Monday, June 14, 2010

Monday the 7th: Little India

We had class Monday morning, as usual. I'm not sure if I've blogged much about our Singaporean history professor - sadly, her section of the class is now over - but we all really loved her. She is a short Chinese woman who is subversively dissatisfied with the government. She's feisty and frank and hilarious and she taught us so much in just a week and a half about this little island.

After class, I went to the library with several other people to do the reading for class. Then around 5 we all met in the dorm lobby and headed to Little India for dinner and sightseeing!

We ate at a vegetarian restaurant called "Komala Vilas."

The food was wonderful, but the brown and yellow ones were very spicy. The bready things (I wish I had more specific terms) and the raita (white stuff - yogurt with vegetables) are used to mellow out the spice. I asked for extra raita. It was delicious, but I had to work with the spice, because it did not work with me.

I also got some delicious "baddham" or "almond" milk. Yum.

It was dark out, so it was hard to capture pictures. But here is a huge super center we went to. It's called Mustafa's and it's very large, cheap, and famous for being open 24 hours and having pretty much everything you could ever want (a lot like Wal*Mart).

Here is a really interesting sign. Singapore's policies on race are very convoluted and complicated - while they promise equal treatment and racial mixing and such, their policies actually wind up creating quotas that housing developments and businesses have to fill. So, it is not illegal to advertise a job or an apartment based on race - if you don't have enough Malaysians or Chinese or Indians or whatever, you can't continue business. Funny, no?

Not really, I guess.

In any case, Little India was nice. I feel like I should have more to say about it, but I guess because it was dark and we weren't there long, I didn't have a very strong impression of it. I'm sure I'll go back at some point and have more to write about then!

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