Monday, June 14, 2010

Saturday the 5th, Part III: Buddha Tooth Temple

I think this post will mostly be pictures. The Buddha Tooth Temple was really awe-inspiring, and is still one of the most beautiful things I've seen since coming here. It is the biggest and most popular Buddhist temple in Singapore, which means it is very beautiful but also surprisingly touristy and modernized. It had A/C (or AirCon, as they call it here), two elevators, very "modern" looking bathrooms, and a few ladies out front selling souvenirs.

Anyway, time for pictures! I'll interject comments from time to time. Enjoy!

Haha this is so silly!
Here is a neat video I took of the service that was going on. We definitely felt weird being in there while everyone was praying, but I guess it's like visiting the churches in New York. No one really seemed to care.

Even the elevators had really beautiful fabric on the walls.
I found the AirCon, TV, and mall-like bathroom very odd. What an interesting picture of globalization.
Here is the rooftop garden.
1. Electric handicap rail. Very interesting.
2. One of the largest prayer wheels (you grab a bar and walk in a circle as you chant) in the world

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