Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Monday the 28th: Little India II

On Monday evening, a sizable group of us headed back to Little India for dinner and exploring. Our graduate assistant, Matt, somehow scored a date with one of the flight attendants on Singapore Airlines and she invited him to dinner and to show us around the area.

We ate at a somewhat ritzy restaurant called the Banana Leaf Apollo. The food is served and eaten off of banana leaves, which is pretty neat. The food was really delicious, but it was also quite spicy. It set a fire in my throat that I could not put out, not with the rice or the drinks or the naan. But, it was delicious nonetheless! Especially the rice...I could eat that rice all day long every day of the rest of my life. It was fantastic.

^^ Fish head curry. It actually wasn't bad. It didn't particularly wow me, either. It was just okay.
^^ Yum. The yellow rice is the special rice. I love it so much.
After dinner, the girl took us around to two Hindu temples in the area. It was nice of her, especially because most of us would have felt uncomfortable going inside them alone.

The first temple
I'm not really sure why these cows were in this field...
The second temple

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