Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Thursday, July 1st: Rabbit, Rabbit!

Thursday, the first of July (where did June go!?), was a very slow day. After class, I stayed in my room all afternoon and night working on an essay for our Thailand history professor. It wasn't all bad - I needed to get it done, and I needed to have a day of rest.

Some time this week (I think Monday the 27th or Sunday the 26th) was the exact midway point of the trip, and that combined with the exhausting and not-so-awesome week we had just had made a lot of us feel a lot of weird emotions: pressed for time to do all the things we still want to do, stressed about having to manage these fun times with all of our work and the scheduled activities, upset about the dwindling number of weekends and free days left to us. I think these feelings were all natural "middle-of-the-trip" feelings, and they've thankfully all faded by now. I think we're all running the home stretch with a second wind at this point, and rushing headlong toward the end, which is rather exciting (when you ignore the unfortunate fact that we actually are going to have to leave at some point).

One fun thing that did happen was a surprise birthday celebration for our UNC professor at the end of class. As I mentioned in my last post, we all decorated cakes Wednesday night, and our graduate assistant brought them to school at the end of the class period. We sang happy birthday and had a gay old time, and our teacher was surprised and very appreciative.

Pro Cake Decorators!
Happy Birthday, Dr. Leve!

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