They were grueling, but not as bad as I expected they might be. And, as promised, Singapore Airlines is AMAZING! I’ll just make a quick list of all the awesome amenities they provided that made the trip that much better:
- Designated sleep times when they turned all the lights off and made you close the window shades (this was bad on the flight to Russia, when we were trying to stay awake, and fantastic on the flight to Singapore when we were ready to pass out!)
- Tons of movies, TV shows, music, games: The Last Station, Broken Embraces, Glee, Skins, Modern Family. And best of all, not to mention most surprising of all…JOANNA NEWSOM!!! They even had the full album!
- Little pouches with socks and a disposable toothbrush and
- A fancy guidebook listing the various meals and between-meal snacks you’d be getting throughout the flight
- Yummy meals with schnazzy dishes and real silverware (and even Russian jam, butter, creamer, and….ACTIVIA!!!)
- A neat window in the back. We would get up to go to the bathroom and stretch from time-to-time and look out the window. Sometimes there were only clouds, but sometimes you could see whatever country we were flying over, including….ICELAND!!!
So, in sum, the flights were long but not too bad – I even slept pretty well on the last flight. All of us who flew from RDU were in two or three rows together, the food was good, the multimedia options were awesome, and I got to experience two of my favorite things: Iceland and Joanna Newsom! Can’t complain about that!
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