Monday, July 5, 2010

Friday the 25th: Chinatown & the City of Love

On Friday, June 25th, I was planning to just hang around the dorms. I ran into some other SEAS kids in the canteen, though, who were planning to go to Chinatown (yes, this is the third time I've been to Chinatown) to do souvenir shopping, so I decided to tag along.

Not much to say about this trip. The evening of this day corresponds with the blog I wrote about falling in love with the city (see: Singapura, City of Love). The first half of the day was just me buying the rest of my postcards and a few souvenirs. So here are pictures from the adventures.

The next three pictures are from a shop in Chinatown where you can buy these paper products shaped like material goods and burn them for your ancestors so they will have wealth in the afterlife.
Chinatown Alleyway
Chinatown has beautiful street signs.
A lot of the shops in Chinatown have these shrines out front.
There are lots of posh tea rooms in Chinatown.
A random alley in Chinatown.
This is the alley where I do most of my souvenir/postcard shopping. The MRT stop is at the end. For some reason, the glass/steel structure seems to clash with the "traditional" looking buildings.
A carving on the Sri Mariamman Hindu Temple.

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