Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Bird Park & A Summary

After riding the bus from the airport to the dorms, we showered, unpacked, and ate lunch in the cafeteria in the basement of the dorms. All the food here is cheap (around $3 or $4 in US currency for a meal) and good. You can eat healthily and large amounts for little money, which is a blessing! I get bubble tea every morning for $1-$1.50 and it's delicious.

After settling in and eating, we caught a bus around noon to the "Jurong Bird Park." This was mainly just a way to keep us active and awake until the night so as to fight jet-lag. It was tough towards the end, but it was a really neat park, and we had a lot of fun exploring it.

Afterwards, around 5pm, though we were all dying, we went to a mall. We all wished we had gone at a time when we were more awake, but it was still a cool experience. The mall was ENORMOUS and we ate in the food court. Most of the stores looked very similar to U.S. stores, though almost all of them were NOT American stores.

The food was good in the food court. I would tell you everything I had, but I'm not even sure what it all was. My first two meals were essentially chicken and rice, and I'm not sure how to describe them beyond that. But know that they were good, and that I had dragon fruit juice with my dinner (it was not nearly as exciting as the name suggests).

Some people got this drink/dessert called Chendol. I would explain, but I don't know what it is. There is shaved ice, coconut milk, green jelly/jello stuff, sweetened red beans, and some sort of syrup. It was very bizarre, we all tried it, but no one could really figure out what it was or how the tastes were meant to go together. Apparently it's a "very popular" Singaporean drink, though, so we figured we'd give it a shot.

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