Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Day After Arrival, Part I: Tour of the School

The second day, we met our "Singaporean student guide" (a girl from Singapore who is doing a joint degree program with National University of Singapore (NUS) and UNC) in the PGP (remember that this is the acronym for our dorms) lobby and walked to the bus stop to catch the campus bus.

We caught the campus bus from the dorm to the heart of campus and got off near the Central Library. This was our first stop on the tour, and it was more than impressive. The library is huge and, like everything, very sleek and modern. It introduces a new theme that will recur several times: sleek and modern while still warm, brightly colored, and inviting. Many of the carpets, chairs, paintings, columns were bright and exciting colors.

Everything in the library, like my room and Singapore itself, is hyper-efficient. The librarian who led us around knew everything inside and out, never faltered, and had a very concise and organized answer for all questions. It was beyond impressive, especially when compared to most library tours I've taken in the U.S. She was flawless and fluid with the computer, and we were all floored by her expertise.

Here is an incredibly neat video. There is a place on the library's website where you can search for a book and it will bring up this video and virtually FLY you to the book! Is that not awesome?
Search: TD313.12 Sin 2003

Besides the library, I will say the following about the campus:

It is very vertical, just like the dorms. Built on a series of hills, it's hard to tell where things begin, end, meet up, and diverge. It's a lot like an M.C. Escher painting, with walkways and stairwells here and there and everywhere. It's pretty neat.

^ Most of the walkways are outside.
^ The main library entrance is to my left.
^ This is the...mascot? in the Student Store.

^ In front of our classroom! "The one with the green wall."

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