Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Friday, June 11th: Pulau Ubin

Okay, so Friday the 11th was one of the most awesome days we've all had here thus far! Our graduate coordinator coordinated a trip to this island called Pulau Ubin, and 19 out of 25 of us went. We had to take an hour long bus/MRT ride to a ferry station, and then a 15 minute ferry ride to reach it. It's a small island off the coast of Singapore (yes, an island off of an island) that has been *mostly* untouched by development. It is a tropical paradise, the last part of Singapore to be untouched by development, the last old-school "village" in Singapore. Or so they say.

As I said, it was a great experience. We rented cheap bicycles and rode around the bike paths that criss-cross the entire island. These days, it is primarily set up for tourists. We took a picnic lunch and ate on the trail. We were disgusting, hot, sweaty, and bug-bitten all day, but it was absolutely worth it. Aside from the natural beauty, there were several surprises - rundown houses, dilapidated temples, mangrove forests, and other things!

Since it was a day of so much *unprecedented beauty* I'm just going to put a link here to an album full of all the pictures I took while there! Enjoy!

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