Monday, June 28, 2010

Tally Ho! Onwards to Malaysia

Now is the time for me to recount our 4-day trip to Malaysia. The only problems are that I have nearly 400 pictures and I haven't decided how I want to document it. I think I'm going to do like I did for Pulau Ubin and upload all of the pictures to Photobucket and just put a link here. I'd like to also write a few posts about what we did, but I'm already so far behind!

Well, I already wrote an initial response the day after we got back (you can go back and read it if you haven't already), and it was such a whirlwind trip that it's difficult to figure out just what to say. I'll try to make a sort of itinerary documenting what we did each day, and then maybe post a few scattered posts with random thoughts and feelings I had during the trip.

Here goes nothing...

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