Monday, June 28, 2010

Tuesday the 15th: Too Much AirCon (for reference - the day before our Malaysia trip)

I never thought I'd say it, but on Tuesday the 15th we were subjected to way too much air conditioning for way too long. We had to go to the Immigration Checkpoint Authority to get our student visa cards made. As is usually the case with government bureaus, what should have taken only two or three hours turned into a day-long affair. We were all starving by the end and glad to get back out into the warm evening air!

We went to one of the many Singaporean malls for dinner, but figuring out where to eat was a mess. Obviously, some people wanted cheap food and some people wanted a nice meal, and some people wanted certain things and some people couldn't make up their minds. And then there was a really awful occurrence - a woman slipped on a wet floor and took a pretty messy tumble. It was horrific to be nearby to it, and so I'd rather not discuss it any further. But the worst part was that she fell in the middle of a very narrow hallway that was the only way for us to get back to the escalator.

In any case, despite all of these screw ups, Rena and Devika and I ate at a really lovely Dim Sum restaurant. I already talked about the food in my food post, but I'll put some pictures anyway so that this post won't be devoid of some aesthetic element.

It was a very nice ending to a not-so-hot (pun!) day.

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