Saturday, July 31, 2010

Monday, July 5th, Part I: Running Around Town

On Monday the 5th, after class, I decided to do something I'd been wanting to do for a long time and ride a bus into town, get off at the Armenian Church, and just wander around. I finally set off on my own and did it, and it was a really rewarding day.

However, since I was mostly just wandering around and looking at things, I don't have too many stories (plenty of commentary, though!). Just a LOT of pictures! So prepare for an aesthetic barrage!

I. Little Things On the Way

^^ I think I already mentioned this, but they say jokingly that the crane is Singapore's national bird.
^^ Nation-building! I wish I could steal all of those children from that lady.
^^ When you go off on your own, you have to get creative in order to photograph yourself!

II. Armenian Church

I believe the plaque said that this is the oldest church in Singapore. You may wonder, as I did, what the hell an Armenian church is doing near the city-centre of an Asian city. But, apparently, there were a handful of extremely wealthy and influential Armenian-Singaporeans back in the day, and they established a community. In fact, the national flower of Singapore, the Vanda Miss Joaquim, was named after one such influential Armenian! The church is pretty beautiful, though quite small. I'm not sure why, but for about as long as we've been here I've been really wanting to visit this church - it was on my bucket list and everything. I didn't go inside, but that's okay. I still crossed it off the list.

III. Central Fire Station

IV. Civic District & National Archives

I know zero about any of these buildings. But this whole area comprises "The Civic District." I know zero about the civic district. But it sounds like it should tell you something about the area, doesn't it?

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