Saturday, July 31, 2010

Monday, July 5th, Part II: Fort Canning Park

Wandering down a random side-street with a map and a vague idea of what direction I was heading, I wound up in Fort Canning Park. Well, I shouldn't say "wound up," which implies effortlessness, because I had to climb several stairs and sloping paths to get there...
Anyway, the park was shockingly quiet and placid. It was huge, sprawling, hilly, and felt like a journey into an entirely different place. Needless to say, it was richly verdant, full of trees, and also adorned with several remnants of its days as a proper fort. Even though it was cloudy and I was constantly worrying it might rain, it was one of the most magical/whimsical/detached places I visited the whole time I was in Singapore.
^^ I understand why they call Singapore a "concrete jungle." Well, this isn't really what they mean, but I'm taking a loose interpretation...
^^ See the cannon?
^^ I remember reading something about Indonesia in relation to this cannon...but I do not remember what.
^^ Lovely font, no?
^^ Perhaps a museum. Or a country club. I couldn't tell.
^^ More fort buildings.
^^ I am so good at getting pictures of myself, even when alone. I found a convenient wall to set the camera on.
^^ I don't know what this is...I think it might be a hotel, or some sort of ritzy country club thing.
^^ Neat statues. The one directly above looks kind of like the SUN VOYAGER! Google image it if you are unfamiliar - it is a very famous sculpture in Reykjavik, Iceland!
^^ I'm assuming this is just an underpass, but I thought it looked really cool.

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